1999-2000 essays: pre-diagnosis
2001 essays: diagnosis and beyond. What a year!
school stress Jan 3 (part two: classroom placement)
so we met Jan 6 (the school meeting)
that word Feb 4 (one year on the spectrum)
"Why?" March 17 (he's asking questions)
Damian's story April 7 (he made up a story)
two little monkeys April 17 (playing with Sophia)
the tyranny of the schedule May 8 (Damian's schedule wears me out)
The Contrarian May 16 (practicing emotion, late to the terrible twos)
naked and $75 May 20 (potty training for real)
who to trust June 11 (the Gamma story)
dinosaur love July 12 (empathy and other emotions)
walrus school July 20 (Damian's classroom joke)
mommy and daddy are stil eating Aug 31 (an elaborate attempt to cajole us)
reciprocal reading Sept 15 (trying a speech therapy technique)
The Other School Oct 9 (starting at the typical preschool)
high anxiety Nov 8 (reducing social fears)
just do it Nov 12 (help your kid)
next year Dec 5 (kindergarten?)
shadowfree Jan 7 (a day at the afternoon school sans Kahuna)
teeth Jan 9 (a dental crisis)
teeth (part two) Jan 14 (the oral surgery)
happy valentine's day Feb 14 (Damian's cards)
social skills Feb 26 (nonsense words and learning interaction)
moving on April 1 (end of afternoon school)
reminders April 3 (transferred emotion -- and a story)
two sides May 20 (morning and afternoon, two social selves)
parallel universes Aug 7 (I'm not a saint)
a tale of three preschools Sep 10 (the start of a new typical school)
a new twist Oct 8 (he needs an EEG)
how it feels Nov 20 (learning how it feels to feel)
bragging Jan 13
three road signs Feb 7 (OT end, mini-gym class, Dr. Red visit)
growing a voice March 10 (personal power)
third time's the charm? April 14 (that third preschool)
what remains May 19 (SI issues, can you lose dx?)
audition? July 9 (an odd invitation)
one Capri Sun too many Aug 9 (emotionalism & ritual)
graduation day Aug 15 (no more therapeutic preschool)
noteworthy normalcy Aug 20 (some subtle milestones)
first day Sept 12 (kindergarten begins)
his own music Oct 14 (little drummer boy)
staged Jan 5 (autistic = musical?)
gaps and strengths Feb 21 (how he's doing in kindergarten)
comeback kid May 28 (social regression reversed)
encounter in the park Aug 5 (how do you tell a parent to get their kid checked out?)
new school, new paradigm Oct 12 (from CA to NJ)
by hand March 8 (acccommodate?)
not done yet July 5 (Milestone Six, ho)
hiatus Oct 30